Image denoising is a prerequisite for the many processing tasks of image. Markov Chain Monte Carlo algo-rithm is an important method of image denoising. However, the method has some problems such that the denoised image has obvious spots, the denoising image corrupted by heavy noise is not satisfactory, the noise variance needs to be estimated in practical application, and the operation speed of this method is slow. This paper proposes a two-step denoising method. It preprocesses the noise image using the mean filter. It estimates the pretreated image noise variance. It uses the MCMC image denoising method. To take full advantage of multi-core processor resources, this paper studies the parallel program-ming of MCMC algorithm. The multi-core program increases the speed of MCMC algorithm. The experiments show that the denoising method given in this paper reduces spots and improves the signal-to-noise ratio. Parallel processing can make the algorithm more efficient.
Computer Engineering and Applications