目的建立旅客餐车食品安全质量保证体系。方法对餐车食品安全监管的特点及主要安全隐患进行分析,提出实施HACCP的必要性,指导餐车运行HACCP七条原则,确立CCPs,制定、推行HACCP计划,建立完善的HACCP体系。结果餐车食品安全风险和潜在危害明显减少,科学管理水平显著提高,HACCP体系的预防为主和事前、事中控制功能能够有效防止和控制食源性疾病的发生。结论 HACCP体系是全程、科学控制餐车食品安全的质量保证体系,在铁路食品安全管理中有广泛应用前景。
Objective To build the system of food security and quality guarantee. Methods Analysis on characteristics of food inspection and supervision and potential safety hazard in passenger dinner, which put forward the necessity of HACCP to conduct the seven principles in motion of passenger dinner and establish the perfect system of CCPs. Results Decrease the food safety risk and potential hazard obviously with the rapid improvement of scientific management to prevent control of food borne diseases effectively via HACCP system. Conclusion HACCP system is the whole course and scientific control of food security and quality guarantee, which has a wide application prospect in food safety management in Railway.
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control