This short table gives the name, the quantum numbers (where known), and the status of baryons in the Review. Only the baryons with 3- or 4-star status are included in the Baryon Summary Table. Due to insufficient data or uncertain interpretation, the other entries in the table are not established baryons. The names with masses are of baryons that decay strongly. The spin-parity JP (when known) is given with each particle. For the strongly decaying particles, the JP values are considered to be part of the names.
This short table gives the name, the quantum numbers (where known), and the status of baryons in the Review. Only the baryons with 3- or 4-star status are included in the Baryon Summary Table. Due to insufficient data or uncertain interpretation, the other entries in the table are not established baryons. The names with masses are of baryons that decay strongly. The spin-parity JP (when known) is given with each particle. For the strongly decaying particles, the JP values are considered to be part of the names.