
挖掘课程资源 架设活动舞台

Mining Activity Curriculum Resources,Erection Stage
摘要 随着新课程的顺利实施,品德与生活如沐春风般进入了校园,给新课程增添了更多生机。它是一门以儿童生活为基础,培养品德良好、乐于探究、热爱生活的儿童为目标的活动型综合课程。基础教育课程改革纲要指出:在教学中要积极开发并合理利用校内校外各种课程资源。因此,新一轮基础教育课程改革,课程资源的开发和利用已引起了广大教育工作者的关注。新一轮基础教育课程改革提出要重视课程资源的建设问题,这对于品德课程资源的开发和利用,无疑是一个很有挑战性的课题。新课程品德与生活在内容、形式、理念上较思想品德都有重大突破,要想真正实施好这门新课程,教师就必须懂得充分挖掘课程和利用课程资源,才能让品德与生活在新课程标准理念的指导下,焕发出勃勃生机。 With the smooth implementation of the new curriculum,morality and life like a warm spring breezes into the campus,to add more vitality to the new curriculum. It is a door to children's life as the foundationactivity,integrated curriculum of good moral character, willing to explore,the love life of the children as the target. Outline of the basic education curriculum reform points out: to actively develop in teaching and the rational use of extracurricular school resources. Therefore, a new round of the basic education curriculum reform, curriculum development and utilization of resources has attracted more attention of educators. Theconstruction of curriculum resources should pay attention to a new round of the basic education curriculum reform,the development and utilization of curriculum resources of the character,is a very challenging task. The new curriculum of moral and life in the content,form,concept is the ideological and moral have a major breakthrough, to truly implement thenew curriculum, teachers must understand and fully tap the curriculum and the utilization of curriculum resources, can let the moral and life, on the new curriculum standard under the guidance of the concept, full of vitality.
作者 陈佳琼
出处 《新课程学习》 2014年第8期124-124,126,共2页
关键词 课程资源 校园活动 地方资源 curriculum resources campus activities local resources
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