Alzheimer's disease is a condition without a cure; it affects 35 million people worldwide and care costs in the US alone are on course to reach $1.1 trillion by 2050. To date, no drug has reached the market that is able to even slow its progress-currently approved agents treat only its symptoms, and not even those for very long. Despite the desperate need for a breakthrough, the area has been a marginalized one, with funding in very short supply. Expectations have been further dampened by the recent failures of several late-stage and previously promising agents. However, a number of recent advances have cast a more hopeful light on this potentially lucrative field. The US Government has pledged $130 million for R&D into the disease, with a further $26 million for ancillary issues such as caret support. New diagnostic agents are entering the market that will help identify and treat patients, and a number of studies investigating the very early stages of the disease have been launched.
Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Alzheimer's disease
therapeutic drug
diagnostic agent