With the end of "China miracle" driven by the first demographic dividend, the population aging arises. Senior citizens reemployment is a good method both to change labor supply structure, and to promote saving and consumption. A questionnaire survey to 450 senior citizens living in six urban districts of Tianjin was carried out. The reemployment determinants of senior citizens were examined using contingency table and Logistic model. The results of demographic characteristic showed: the older senior citizens have less reemployment intentions, and the higher education-level senior citizens have more reemploy- ment intentions. The results of occupational attributes showed: the senior citizens of public institutions have a weaker preference to work again than insecurity occupations. The results of daily life characteristics showed: the senior citizens would work again when their income can not meet expenditure and their children accept their reemployment. In addition, post, gender, and healthy condition are not determinants of senior citizens reemployment.
China Economic Studies