Objective To evaluate the values of the scores of Wells,Kahn,St. Andre,Constans in diagnosis of deep venous thromboembolism( DVT). Methods A total of 278 suspected DVT patients hospitalized in General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University from July 2006 to March 2009 underwent scores of Wells,Kahn,St. Andr&#233;,Constans,respectively. We take low possibility of DVT of each score as negative result,middle and high possibility of DVT as positive result,and CT venog-raphy( CTV)and( or)ultrasonography as gold standard. The sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value,negative pre-dictive value and ROC area under curve( AUC) of the scores in DVT diagnosis were calculated. ResUlts The sensitivity,spe-cificity,positive predictive value and negative predictive value,ROC AUC of Wells Score in DVT diagnosis were 92. 3%, 48. 9%,65. 7%,85. 7%,0. 845,respectively;those of Kahn Score were 64. 3%,29. 6%,49. 2%,44. 0%,0. 526,re-spectively;those of St. Andre Score were 90. 2%,51. 8%,66. 5%,83. 3%,0. 761,respectively;those of Constans Score were 95. 8%,23. 0%,56. 8%,83. 8%,0. 755,respectively. By Z test,there was no significant differences in DVT diagno-sis in scores of St. Andre; and Constans,and there was difference between any other 2 scores(P〈0. 05). ConclUsion Com-parison of DVT diagnosis in scores of Wells,Kahn,St. Andre,Constans has found that the diagnostic efficiency of Wells score is the highest,which is more suitable for Chinese people.
Chinese General Practice