

An Analysis of the Criminal Situation and Criminal Policy of Chongqing Municipality since Direct Jurisdiction of the Central Government
摘要 直辖以来,重庆市犯罪形势表现为公诉案件总量阶段性递减或递增、自诉案件总量持续性递减、"新生犯罪率"高于全国平均水平、侵犯公民人身和财产性犯罪的犯罪率在徘徊中有所下降、国家工作人员职务犯罪徘徊中呈上升之势、共同犯罪趋势日益明显、未成年犯罪保持高位态势。未来几年,重庆市有团伙组织性犯罪将有所减少、未成年犯罪将保持增长势头、国家工作人员职务犯罪态势将进一步走高、刑事犯罪总量会有所下降、整体犯罪形势将趋于良好之趋势,相关部门应就刑事政策做出相应调整和部署。 The criminal situation of Chongqing Municipality since direct jurisdiction of the Central Government is as follows: gross amount of public prosecution case is steadily increasing or steadily decreasing at a stage, gross amount of private prosecution case is decreasing all the time, "new criminal rate" above the national average, the criminal rate infringing upon people's personal and property right is lingering but with little dropping, the crime of functionary in the state organ by taking advantage of duty is lingering but with rising trend, the trend of joint crime is increasingly obvious, and the crime of under-age children keeps a high rate. The feature of criminal policy is as follows: keeping a high pressure on the crime of functionary in the state organ by taking advantage of duty, launching a deep comprehensive treatments for social public security with practice, a full implementation of the Criminal Policy of Temper Justice with Mercy, carrying out battle of "severely attack" at stage. In the near future years, the gang and organized crime will decrease at some degree, the crime of minor will keep growing, the situation of crime of functionary in the state organ by taking advantage of duty will keep higher, the gross amount of crime will drop at some degree, the whole criminal situation will be better. The corresponding governmental sections should make some modification of the criminal policy.
作者 秦宗川
出处 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2014年第5期148-154,共7页 Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
基金 国家社科基金项目"社会转型期群体性事件的心理疏导与犯罪防范对策研究"(项目编号:11BFX109)的研究成果之一
关键词 重庆市 犯罪形势 刑事政策 Chongqing Municipality criminal situation criminal policy
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