
西沙群岛海域海洋放线菌的分离及其抗菌活性 被引量:6

Isolation of Actinomycetes from Xisha Islands and Their Antimicrobial Activities
摘要 分离西沙群岛海域放线菌并研究其抗菌活性。采用干燥、辐射、冷冻及加热处理等11种样品预处理方式和10种培养基对海洋放线菌进行分离,对代表性菌株进行鉴定,并考察分离放线菌生长的海水依赖性。进一步以金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌、啤酒酵母和扩展青霉为指示菌考察分离放线菌的抗菌活性。从西沙群岛海域样品中分离获得放线菌383株,其中专性海洋放线菌23株。选定93株代表菌株进行鉴定,93株菌隶属于9个科,11个属。不同培养基对分离放线菌菌株的数量及种类影响显著。6株放线菌对4种指示菌均有抑菌活性,其中4株为专性海洋放线菌,表明海洋环境具有丰富的放线菌资源,这些放线菌特别是专性海洋放线菌有望为新型抗菌物质的发现与开发提供菌种来源。 Antimicrobial activities of actinomycete isolated from samples collected in Xisha Islands,Hainan Province, China were studied. The isolation of the samples adopted exsiccation,radiation,freezing,heating and others eleven sample pretreatment processes. Among them the typical strains were characterized and investigated for their growth and dependence on seawater. Staphylococcus aureus,E. coli,Saccharomyces cerevisiae,and Penicillium expansum were taken as indicators to test their antimicrobial activities. 383 actinomycete strains were isolated from samples collected in Xisha Islands. 23 of them were marine obligate actinomycetes. 93 typical strains were characterized and belonged to 9 families and 11 genera. The media used to isolated actinomycete strains had significantly affected the number and kinds of the strains. Six actinomycetes strains had antimicrobial activities against four tested indicators strains,among them four were marine obligate actinomycetes indicating that marine environment has abundant resources of actinomy-cetes. These actinomycetes,especially the marine obligate actinomycetes are hopeful to be a source to discover and develop novel antibiotic substances provide source for strain seeds.
出处 《微生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第4期47-52,共6页 Journal of Microbiology
基金 中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金资助项目(CXTD13) 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(13KJB550003) 江苏省自然科学基金(SKB2014020616) 江苏省2014年度青蓝工程
关键词 西沙群岛海域 海洋放线菌 分离 抗菌活性 海水依赖性 Xisha islands Actinomycetes isolation antimicrobial activities sea water dependence
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