
复杂河网引清流量优化分配模型 被引量:2

Flow allocation optimization model of clean water diversion in complex river networks
摘要 根据物质守恒原理,建立复杂河网引清流量优化分配模型,以实现引清调度优化。鉴于模型中河段水质与流量的隐函数关系,利用罚函数法进一步优化模型的非线性约束,使河段水质目标呈隐式表达形式,达到减少决策变量与约束条件的目的。建立不同初始点为搜索起点,利用模式搜索法对优化模型进行求解。求解结果表明,不同初始点对求解结果影响明显。进一步分析河段污染物衰减的影响因素,并以参数形式表征水动力的影响,从而建立河段引清流量的修正模型。将修正模型应用到福州内河的引清流量计算中,计算结果表明,修正计算结果比试算法结果减少7.2m3/s,大大减少了引清流量,较好实现了引清流量的优化分配。 A flow allocation optimization model of clean water diversion in a complex river network was established based on the principle of conservation of matter , for the optimization of clean water diversion .In terms of the implicit function relationship between river water quality and flow , the penalty function method was used to deal with the nonlinear constraints in the model .The water quality of the river was expressed by the objective function , so that decision variables and constraints were reduced .The model was solved by pattern search with different initial points , and the results show that the initial points can have a significant impact on the results .The impact of hydrodynamics was included in the correction model of clean water diversion in the form of parameters based on analysis of impact factors of pollutant attenuation , and the correction model of the clean water diversion was established .The correction model was applied to the calculation of diverted flow in the internal river of Fuzhou . The results show that the corrected flow , compared with that obtained by the test method , decreased by 7.2 m3/s, which means that the flow was greatly reduced and optimally allocated .
出处 《水资源保护》 CAS 2014年第5期68-72,80,共6页 Water Resources Protection
基金 国家自然科学基金(41371052) 新疆联合基金(U1203282) 江苏"青蓝工程" 兵团创新团队人才计划
关键词 引清调度 流量分配模型 罚函数法 模式搜索法 clean water diversion flow allocation model penalty function method pattern search method
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