
杜波依斯“双重意识”对美国黑人文化身份的建构 被引量:5

On W. E. B. Du Bois' s “Double Consciousness” and its Influence on the Construction of African American Cultural Identity
摘要 美国著名学者杜波依斯用"双重意识"概念来解释黑人经验,它指的是非裔美国黑人的两种种族和两种文化身份,以及由此造成的心理、社会、文化上的分裂状态。通过美国黑人文学三次高潮中"双重意识"的不同体现,生动地表现了美国黑人的双重性以及黑人作家们对美国黑人文化身份的思考。只有通过对本民族文化身份的认同即对本民族文化的认同才能正确地"确认身份"。 American famous scholar W. E. B. Du Bois has explained the concept of the black experience with the "Double-Consciousness" , which, more specifically, refers to the twofold identity of the African Americans consisting of nationalities and cultures, thus brings about the state of splitting in psychology, society and culture. The development of African American literature underwent three flowing periods, double-consciousness sheds light on the twoness of the African Americans and ideas of cultural identity by African American writers. Only by setting their feet on the African American traditional culture they could change such state of the splitting, and would master their best future.
作者 岳莹
出处 《玉林师范学院学报》 2014年第4期70-74,共5页 Journal of Yulin Normal University
基金 教育部规划基金项目:"当代欧美诗学:范式转型与理论话语史论"(12YJA752020)
关键词 杜波依斯 双重意识 美国黑人文学的三次高潮 文化身份 W. E. B. Du Bois "Double Consciousness" African American literature cultural identity
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  • 1Bloom, Harold. ed. Zora Neale Hurston [M]. New York:Chdsea House Publishers. 1989.
  • 2Charters, Ann, & Samud Charters, eds. 2001.2nd ed. Literature and Its Writers: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama[M]. Boston and New York: Bedford & St Martins. P. 760-776.
  • 3Du Bois, W E B. 1903. Of Our Spiritual Strivings: (A Chapter from The Souls of Black Folk) [ A]. In Worley et al ( eds. ) P.260 - 266.
  • 4Du Bois, W E B. 1914. The Immediate Program of The American Negro [A]. In Wodeyetal (eds.) P. 297-302.
  • 5Hurston, Zora Neale. 1928. How It Feels to Be Colored Me A In Charters, Ann and Samuel Charters (eds.) P. 760 - 764.
  • 6Hurston, Zora Neale. 1937. Their Eyes Were Watching God[M]. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 1987.
  • 7Hurston, Zora Neale. 1950. What White Publishers Won' t Print [A]. In Charters, Ann and Samud Charters (eds.) P. 764 -768.
  • 8Jordan, June. 1974. On Richard Wright and Zora Neale Hurstun: Notes Toward A 1M!ancing of Love and Hatred. J Black World, August 1974.P. 5-8.
  • 9King, Martin Luther, Jr. 1963. I Have A Dream. A In Worley, Demetrice A & Jerry Jr, Jesse (eds.) . 1998.P. 317-321.
  • 10Walker, Alice. 1979. Zora Neale Hurston: A Cautionary Tale and a Partisan View A In Charters, Ann and Samuel Charters(eds.) P. 774-776.











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