

Analysis on Influence of Changchun-Jilin Intercity Railway on Regional Accessibility
摘要 长吉城际铁路作为我国东北地区铁路系统的重要组成部分,对于促进长春、吉林两市经济社会发展,加速吉林省中部城市群发育具有重要作用。利用引力模型分别对基于城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入的区域可达性进行测算。实证研究表明,长吉城际铁路的开通使得两市区域可达性增长近10倍,极大地促进了两市的交流合作,对于增强长春、吉林两大中心城市对周边城市的辐射、带动作用,加速吉林省中部城市群的进一步发育具有重要作用。 Changchun-Jilin intercity railway, as an important part of railway system in northeast area of China, has an important role on promoting the development of Changchun and Jilin cities economic society and accelerating the urban agglomeration development in central of Jilin provinqe. By using the gravity model, this paper makes estimation on the regional accessibility based on per capita disposable income of urban residents and based on per capita net income of farmers respectively. The study result shows the opening of Changchun-Jilin intercity railway will make the regional accessibility between the two cities (Changchun and Jilin) increasing nearly 10 times, greatly promote the exchanges and cooperation of the two cities, and play important part in increasing the two cities' radiation and leading role on surrounding cities and accelerating further development of urban agglomeration in central of Jinlin province.
出处 《铁道运输与经济》 北大核心 2014年第9期12-15,共4页 Railway Transport and Economy
基金 江西省"十二五"社科规划项目重点项目(12YJ01)
关键词 长吉城际铁路 区域可达性 引力模型 Changchun-Jilin Intercity Railway Regional Accessibility Gravity Model
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