

Test Technology Reasearch of the Application System for Cloud Environment
摘要 针对用户将应用系统迁移到云环境下运行的技术评估需求,本文提出了应用系统在不同技术环境下的性能测试方法,研发了面向用户应用系统性能测评的平台,该平台具有云测试资源管理、云测试能力建设以及服务运营管理等功能。应用系统通过该平台的本地环境与云环境下的测试结果比较,为用户提供了系统迁移适用性的科学依据。 Based on the user's demands of technological assessment for the application system migrated to a cloud environment, the paper put forward to a performance test method for application system in different technical environment, and developed a performance test platform for the user-oriented application system, which contained the resource management of the cloud testing, the capacity building of the cloud testing, the service operation management and other functions. By the comparison of the different testing results of the test platform in the local environment and cloud environment, it proved that the test platform provided a scientific basis for the applicability of the system migration.
作者 何育浩 赵戈
出处 《软件产业与工程》 2014年第5期42-47,共6页
基金 基金编号:12DZ2250400 12511503100
关键词 云计算 云测试 性能测试 迁移 Cloud computing, Cloud Testing, Performance Test, Migration
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