
无预警紧急疏散中公交车辆路径的确定方法 被引量:9

Determining optimal routes for transit vehicles in no-notice emergency evacuation
摘要 针对无预警式紧急疏散中公交救援车辆的最佳路径确定问题,提出了一个非线性混合整数规划模型.模型不仅考虑了有接收能力限制的多避难所系统,还对如何处理具有不同载客上限的公交救援车进行了分析.利用添加了虚拟路段和节点的时空网络,在以加权的综合疏散时间最小为目标的同时实现了疏散伤亡最小化.通过分析实际疏散的实施过程,得到了一种产生模型可行解的有效方法.通过将时间滚动式的流量加载模式与经典遗传算法相结合,给出了新模型的实用解法.最后,通过算例验证了模型和算法的有效性. To determine the optimal routes for transit vehicles during no-notice emergency evacuation, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model is proposed. During the formulation of the model, the eapacitated multi-shelters are considered and transit vehicles with different carrying capacities are also analyzed. By adding some virtual links and nodes to form a time-space network, the minimum total evacuation time and the minimum fatal casualties in the objective function can be realized at the same time. An effective method to produce feasible solution of the model is presented through analyzing the implementation process of actual transit evacuation. Through combining the classical Genetic Algorithm and a time-rolling flow uploading pattern, a practical solu- tion method for the model is given. At last, the effectiveness and efficiency of the model and its solution method are verified by numerical experiment.
作者 何胜学
出处 《运筹学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期47-59,共13页 Operations Research Transactions
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.71171135) 上海市(第三期)重点学科(No.S30504) 上海市一流学科建设项目(No.S1201YLXK)
关键词 城市交通 紧急疏散 公交系统 非线性混合整数规划 最短路径 时空网络 urban traffic, emergency evacuation, public transit system, mixed integernonlinear programming, shortest path, time-space network
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