近年来,我国高等职业教育迎来全新的发展局面,招生规模的不断扩大使学校的教务管理负担也越来越重。针对期末考试任务繁重情况,基于EXCEL VBA开发了试卷自动生成系统,实现了无纸化上机考试,介绍了系统构成与功能实现。测试表明,该系统具有良好的通用性和可扩展性,提高了考试管理效率、降低了管理成本,能够适合各类学校的多数课程教学。
In recent years, as our country’s higher vocational education faces a new trend of development, the expansion of enrollment scale of new colleges has resulted in a heavier burden on the school educational administration management. Aiming at the onerous final exam task, test automatic generation system is designed based on EXCEL VBA to realize the paperless computer test system. The results shows that it has good versatility and expansibility, convenient and quick, low cost, high efficiency. It suits most courses in various school.
Computer Era