

GNSS:Legal Issues,Domestic Governance and International Coordination
摘要 在分析卫星导航应用的治理难题的基础上,从国内与国际视角提出解决思路,卫星导航信号的提供国应根据本国国情来选择单一或混合的管理模式,统筹规划各部门的职责。国际上,各国既要进行双边谈判与磋商,也要在全球导航卫星系统国际委员会、国际民航组织与国际电信联盟的框架下进行协调与合作。 Based on the analysis of the legal issues of GNSS ap proaches are provided from domestic and international perspectives shall choose single-mode or mixed-mode pattern of domestic manage respective national condition. Responsibilities shall be distributed to plicat ions, possible ap . The signal providers ment according to their different departments. In the international community, interstate coordination and cooperation are encouraged. Not only should the countries negotiate and consult with each other, but also they can cooperate and communicate under the frameworks of ICG, ICAO and ITU.
作者 陈凌
出处 《全球定位系统》 2014年第4期31-36,共6页 Gnss World of China
关键词 全球导航卫星系统 治理难题 国内管理 国际协调 GNSS legal issues domestic governance international coordination
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