
数值模拟在边坡稳定性评价中的应用研究 被引量:2

Application of Numerical Simulation in the Evaluation of Slope Stability
摘要 边坡稳定性评价是一个难题,关键难点在于没有准确的稳定性评价方法,传统的条分法、极限分析法、滑移线法等都存在很大的局限性,计算准确性与真实值也都存在一定的误差,而且都没有考虑应力应变所带来的影响。数值模拟的出现改善了这一现状,它融入了本构关系能够消除应力应变所带来的影响,最难得的是通过计算出的滑移面能够为监测设备的合理布放提供准确依据,这也是滑坡预警的前提,实际意义重大,而且它本身可以模拟边坡加载、卸载的全过程,可通过严格的应力、应变分析求解边坡的极限荷载。通过具体工程实践表明数值模拟在边坡稳定性评价中计算准确应用合理,能够直观地得到滑体的滑移破坏面以及应变和应力图等。 Because of no accurate stability evaluation methods, the evaluation of slope stability is a problem. There are some big limitations in many methods, such as the traditional rule of thirds, the limit analysis method and the slip line method. Calculation accuracy and the real value also have some error, and do not consider the effects of stress and strain The appearance of numerical simulation improves this situation, the constitutive relation is added to eliminate the effects of stress and strain, also provide accurate basis for monitoring equipment reasonable place through the calculated slip plane. This is also the premise of landslide warning, and has a great practical significance. It itself can be used to simulate the whole process of loading and unloading of slope, and solve the ultimate load of the slope through rigorous analysis of the stress and strairL Specific engineering practice shows that the numerical simulation in calculation is accurate and application is reasonable on the evaluation of slope stability. Sliding failure surface of the slide and the strain and stress diagram, etc can be get intuitively.
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2014年第9期1595-1598,1627,共5页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 国家十二五项目(编号:2011BAB05B02)资助
关键词 稳定性 模拟 应力 应变 stability, simulation, stress, strain
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