
力学性能对于原子力显微镜接近曲线的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Mechanical Properties of Cantilever and Sample on Amplitude Modulated Approaching Curves in Atomic Force Microscopy
摘要 该文基于Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov接触模型,研究了振幅调制原子力显微镜(AM-AFM))成像中,3种典型针尖悬臂系统与四类具有不同力学性能的材料样品在针尖样品接近过程中互作用的响应情况。研究表明相位响应与针尖样品相互作用力作用形式密切相关。通过针尖的振幅曲线可确定针尖与样品间的互作用力的性质是吸引还是排斥,本研究结果有助于在AM-AFM成像实验中优化基准值设置,以避免对样品的损害。 Based on the derjaguin-muller-toporov(DMT) contact model, the interaction response of three typical tip cantilever and four materials samples with different mechanical properties during the tip sample approaching were studied in the amplitude modulated atomic force microscopy(AM-AFM). It has been shown that the tip-sample in- teraction force is strongly related to the phase of the first harmonic. Furthermore, we can easily determine the dis- tance in which the tip will affect the sample with attractive and repulsive interaction forces from the amplitude modu- lated approach curves,which is helpful for optimizing the setpoint in the scanning process of the amplitude-modula- tion atomic force microscopy(AM-AFM) imaging and avoiding the damage of the sample.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期635-638,642,共5页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61170317) 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(A2013209185 A2014209048) 唐山市科技发展计划基金资助项目(13130206z)
关键词 原子力显微镜 振幅 弹性模量 位相 范德华力 赫兹力 atomic force microscope amplitude elastic modulus phase Van der Waals forces Hertz force
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