

Application of MISEP Algorithm of Blind Source Separation in the Recognition of Fully Mechanized Coal Rock Interface
摘要 MISEP算法是一种有效的分离线性和非线性混叠信号的算法。通过MISEP算法对顶煤放落时产生的煤和矸石混合声音信号进行了盲源分离,分离出了煤和矸石信号,根据频谱差异确定出煤和矸石的比例,实现了煤岩界面的识别。 MISEP is an effective signal separation algorithm with the linear and nonlinear aliasing signal. And this essay adopts this method to conduct a blind source separation of the top coal caving mixed sound signals in the process of coal gangue. This separation gets the signal of coal and gangue,thus their ratio is identified based on the spectrum difference,and as a result,the purpose of recognizing coal rock interface is fulfilled.
作者 张瑜 蓝艳华
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 2014年第8期102-105,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 山东省教育厅高校科研计划资助项目(J11LG12)
关键词 盲源分离 非线性混叠 信息极大化 功率谱 blind source separation nonlinear aliasing information maximization power spectrum
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