

A Comparative Study of Public High School Admission Systems in the View of Educational Choice:Taking Shanghai and New York City as Examples
摘要 公立高中招生如何扩大"教育选择"是一项重要课题。上海市与纽约市的政策探索在招生程序上提供了多次选择的机会,但二者也存在相当的差异。上海的政策实为"强制选拔",以牺牲实质公平来换取效率,由集权化的政府行政权力加以实施;纽约则将所有学生纳入"强制匹配"机制,制度设计起于对效率的追求,兼顾差异化的公平,得益于"以集权实现放权"治理模式的有力支撑。纽约市的政策为反思我国高中的招生政策提供了有益启示:建议应从重视"资优"的"选拔"走向重视"匹配"的"选择",政府从教育资源分配和管理的微观层面退出,使选择权利的回归和资源供给的多元化成为可能,进而在招生机制优化的过程中实现学校和学生的自主选择。 Policy innovations of expanding educational choice in the reforms of public high school admission system differ a lot in practice. Comparisons of public high school admission systems between Shanghai and New York City show that although multi-choice is available in both systems, restrictions on the admission criteria make them different leading to their disparity in essence. The former is essentially "forced selection", which pursue efficiency at the expense of substantive equity, and is sustained only by the governmental centralization in general. While the latter basically involves every student in a process of "forced match"; with its efficiency orientation as well as due consideration to substantive equity. This system is actually supported by the governance model of "centralization for decentralization". To rethink the policy reforms of admission system in China, it is necessary for the government to withdraw from the micro-level of distribution and management of education resources, thereby to make the rights of choice return back and educational resources diversified. Thus, with continuing mechanism optimization of the admission system, students and schools can eventually choose for themselves.
作者 徐婷婷
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第15期6-12,共7页 Research in Educational Development
关键词 教育选择 公立高中 招生政策 上海 纽约 educational choice, public high schools, admission system, Shanghai, New York City
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