
时效及环境因素对桥梁隔震支座力学特性的影响概述 被引量:3

Review of effects of aging and environmental conditions on mechanical properties of isolated bearing of bridges
摘要 隔震支座的力学特性随着使用时间的推移和周围环境的改变而不断变化,国外学者据此提出了考虑温度、老化、速率、累计行程、污染、扰动等因素的特性修正系数。根据美国AASHTO规范并结合国外的最新研究成果,简述了各修正系数的概念、取值及其理论和试验背景,旨在帮助国内工程师和研究人员对其有个概括性的了解,并为推动国内桥梁减、隔震技术的发展及相关规范的修订提供参考。 The mechanical properties of isolated bearing are continuously changed with the environmental and aging conditions. So the property modification factors, accounting for the effects of the temperature, aging, velocity, cumulative movement or travel, contamination and scragging, are proposed by some foreign scholars. According to the Guide Specification for Seismic Isolation Design compiled by AASHTO of USA and the latest research abroad, the concept, choice of value, and the background of theory and experiment of the property modification factors were introduced, for the purpose of providing references to Chinese bridge engineers and to the revision of chinese design code for seismic isolation.
出处 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期176-181,共6页 World Earthquake Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51178071) 云南省交通厅科技课题(云交科2011(B)04-b)
关键词 桥梁工程 隔震支座 特性修正系数 界限分析 bridge engineering isolated bearing property modification factors bound analysis
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