
细菌卟吩的合成研究进展 被引量:1

Progress on the Syntheses of Bacteriochlorins
摘要 细菌卟吩在近红外区(700-900 nm)有较强的长波吸收,这一性质使其区别于其他四吡咯大环化合物,并且在光化学研究上具有不可比拟的优越性,成为光动力疗法治疗癌症优异的光敏剂。但由于细菌卟吩人工合成难度大,从而限制了其大规模的推广应用。概述了细菌卟吩的合成研究进展,主要包括以叶绿素和细菌叶绿素为母体合成细菌卟吩的半合成法,对卟啉或二氢卟吩的大环进行修饰的还原法,以及以简单化合物为起始物,通过多步反应制得细菌卟吩的全合成法等,通过这些方法可以合成出一些结构复杂的细菌卟吩。分析了目前几种细菌卟吩合成方法的优缺点及存在的问题,为未来的合成研究提供了参考。 Bacteriochlorins are distinguished from other members of the tetrapyrrole family of macrocycles by the presence of an intense long-wavelength absorption hand located in the near-infrared region (700 - 900 nm). They are attractive candidates for a wide variety of photochemical studies owing to their strong absorption in the near-infrared spectral region. This work mainly reviewed the progress of the synthetic methods of bacteriochlorins. To our knowledge ,it's very difficult to synthesize bacteriochlorins. The synthetic methods include semi-synthesis method, starting from the naturally occurring chlorophyll or baeterioehlorophyll a. Reduction method from porphyrin or chlorin, and the total synthesis method from simple compounds. By these methods, some complex baeterioehlorins can be synthesized. This review covers the recent progress in synthesis bacteriochlorins and the existing problems in synthetic methods and further prospects in this field.
出处 《化学试剂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期769-774,787,共7页 Chemical Reagents
基金 吉林省科技发展计划基金资助项目(2013010-1134JC) 吉林省教育厅基金资助项目(吉教科合字2013244) 长春师范大学自然科学基金资助项目(长师院自科合字政策[2010]第021号)
关键词 细菌卟吩 合成 Denovo合成方法 baeterioehlorin synthesis Denovo synthetic method
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