
技术溢出的同期效应与滞后效应比较 被引量:1

The Comparative Analysis between the Same Period Effect and the Lagged Period Effect of Technology Spillovers
摘要 以经典的AJ模型为分析框架,通过引入滞后效应模型对其进行扩展,分别在古诺竞争和伯川德竞争情形下,对企业之间技术溢出的同期效应和滞后效应进行对比分析。以跨国公司和中国本土企业为样本,建立行业面板数据模型,就跨国公司技术溢出对本土企业的影响进行实证分析,结果显示,跨国公司对中国本土企业存在同期正向溢出效应和滞后的正向溢出效应,而且同期效应要大于滞后效应,但滞后二期效应并不弱于滞后一期效应。 Based on the classic AJ models,we extend it by introducing the lagged period model of technology spillovers, and analyze the same period and the lagged period of technology spillovers in the Cournot and Bertrand competitive condi-tions respectively. As a theoretical basis,we take multinational corporations and local enterprises in china as an example, and establish the industrial panel data model to analyze the technology spillovers from the multinational corporations to the local enterprises. The result shows that there is the existence of the same period positive spillover effects and the lagged pe-riod spillover effects from the multinational corporations to the local enterprises,and the same effect is greater that the lagged effect,but two-period lagged effect is not weaker than one-period lagged effect.
作者 于娜
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第17期61-67,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 大连市科技局项目"大连市战略性新兴产业环境与企业绩效研究"(2011D12ZC129) 大连市领军人才资助项目"大连市战略性新兴产业发展与结构优化研究"(2012278)
关键词 技术溢出 同期效应 滞后效应 跨国公司 technology spillovers the same period effect the lagged period effect the multinational corporations
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