某核电项目采用SA-705M Type 630 H1150(国标牌号0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb)钢制造密封部件,在生产过程中极易开裂。通过材料试验、先行件的验证性试验研究,掌握了该钢种的材料特点,成功生产出了核电密封部件。
The sealing element is made by SA-705M Type 630 H1150 steel ( international steel grade 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb) in a nuclear power project , and it is easily cracked during production .By researching on material test and confirmatory test for first piece , the features of the steel material are grasped to produce the nuclear sealing ele -ment successfully .
Heavy Casting and Forging