

Monitoring of permafrost condition based on longitudinal conductivity of the transition layer
摘要 实验研究结果是应用过渡层的纵向电导对多年冻土环境进行监测而获取。过渡层在地下电导率剖面位于季节融化层以下。这一层在冷冻状态下具有不同的温度值,电阻率和厚度。过渡层纵向导电的季节变化比季节融化层更重要。因此,它们可用于监测地面的建筑物和工程多年冻土地基条件,过渡层的纵向电导值可由无线电阻抗测深资料确定。 The results of experimental research of possibility to apply transition layer longitudinal con-ductivity for monitoring of permafrost condition are presented .The transition layer is a layer in subsurface conductivity section located below the seasonally thawed layer .This layer is in frozen state and has var-ying values of temperature , electrical resistivity and thickness .Seasonal variations in longitudinal con-ductivity of the transition layer are more significant than those of the seasonally thawed layer .Therefore , they can be used for monitoring the condition of permafrost foundations of buildings and engineering con -structions from the ground surface .Longitudinal conductivity values of the transition layer can be deter-mined by interpretation of radioimpedance sounding data .
出处 《黑龙江大学工程学报》 2014年第3期257-261,共5页 Journal of Engineering of Heilongjiang University
关键词 纵向电导 过渡层 表面阻抗 冻土 监测 longitudinal conductivity transition layer surface impedance frozen ground monitoring
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