

A Review and Analysis of the Fast Improving Greek-Turkey Relationship
摘要 自20世纪90年代末希腊和土耳其外交关系"意外"解冻以来,双方政治交往日益频繁,经贸关系越发密切,传统威胁认知渐趋弱化。希土两国短期内能够化干戈为玉帛,这既体现了土耳其领导人对自身多元身份的全新认知,反映了双方利益上的契合,也得益于1999年两国地震造成的强大蝴蝶效应的洗刷。然而,希土关系要取得完全突破,两国须彻底摆脱历史包袱、转变安全观念,遵循由"低政治问题"到"高政治问题"的渐进性,灵活性与原则性并重,以及有效保持主体民族主义和国家民族主义二者间的均衡和合理的张力等原则。 Since the 'unexpected thaw' in Greek-Turkey relationship in the late 1990 s, political interactions between the two countries have increased, their economic and trade relations have become closer, and their traditional cognition on threats has weakened. That Greek and Turkey were able to bury the hatchet in such a short time has reflected not only the brand new cognition of the Turkish leadership on Turkey's multiple identities, but also the conjunction of interests of both sides, which was made possible by the great butterfly effects brought about by the earthquakes suffered by both countries in 1999. Nonetheless, in order to achieve complete breakthrough, both countries should completely abandon their historical burdens, convert their views on security, go gradually from 'low political issues' to 'high political issues', combine flexibility with principles, and follow the principle of keeping an effective balance between mainbody nationalism and state nationalism and check their over extensions.
作者 谢立忱 尹靖
出处 《亚非纵横》 2014年第5期79-87,125-126+129,共9页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
基金 山西省高等学校哲学社会科学重点研究基地项目(编号:2012322)--<西亚国际关系中的认同因素>资助 作者主持的国家社科基金项目:<当代中东国家边界与领土争端研究>(批准号为:10CSS010)的系列成果之一 教育部人文社会科学重点基地项目:<战后亚洲主要国家间领土纠纷与国际关系研究>(批准号为:07JJD770106)的阶段性成果之一
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  • 2Ibid. , p. 146.
  • 3Ali Carko ? lu and Barry Rubin, Greek - Turkish relations in an era of detente, London . Frank Cass, 2005, p. 9.
  • 4Alexis Heraclides, op. cit. , p. 146.
  • 5Christos Kollias and Gtilay Gtinltik -~enesen, Greece and Turkey in the 21st century. conflict or cooperation . a political economy perspective, New York . Nova Science Publishers, 2003, p. 23.
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  • 2Jon Van Dyke, "An Analysis of the Aegean Disputes under International Law", Ocean Development & International Law, No. 36, 2005, p.85.
  • 3Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Unilateral Turkish Claims in the Aegean", http : //www. mfz. gr/en - US/Policy/Geographic + Re- gions/South - Eastern + Europe/Turkey/Turkish + claims.
  • 4Christos Kassimeris, "NATO and the Aegean Disputes", Defense & Security Analysis, Vol. 24, No. 2, June 2008, p. 171.
  • 5Jon Van Dyke, "An Analysis of the Aegean Disputes under International Law", Ocean Development & International Law, No. 36, 2005, p.89.
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  • 8Jon Van Dyke, "An Analysis of the Aegean Disputes under International Law", Ocean Development & International Law, No. 36, 2005, p.74-75.
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