
青娥丸盐炙品与生品抗去卵巢诱导的骨质疏松效应的比较研究 被引量:10

Study on the correlation between the salt-roast processing and the anti-osteoporosis efficacy of Qing'e Pill
摘要 目的研究盐制对青娥丸补肾健骨药效的影响,根据中医"盐制入肾"的理论,盐制可以增加中药温肾壮阳的功效。本研究观察不同炮制品配伍的青娥丸对去卵巢(Ovariectomy,OVX)大鼠诱导的骨质疏松症(Osteoporosis)的治疗作用,并进一步探讨盐制引起青娥丸治疗骨质疏松症的药效差异的机制。方法采用大鼠去卵巢骨质疏松症模型,制备以补骨脂和杜仲生品及盐炙品配伍的青娥丸,给予大鼠不同炮制品配伍青娥丸混悬液(2mL/200g)灌胃,给药持续12周。采用双能X射线骨密度仪对大鼠左股骨干骺端骨密度(BMD)进行测定;同时测量血清中与骨代谢相关的生化指标来评价不同炮制品青娥丸的治疗效果;采用Micro-CT和HE染色的方法对大鼠左股骨干骺端骨小梁的微结构进行分析;对子宫进行HE染色,评价青娥丸对子宫的刺激作用。结果青娥丸能够抑制大鼠去卵巢引起的肥胖,增加去卵巢大鼠的子宫质量,盐炙品配伍青娥丸抑制大鼠体质量增加和增加子宫质量的效果与生品配伍青娥丸并无明显差异,同时青娥丸还能够增加大鼠股骨的BMD,改善去卵巢引起的大鼠骨小梁微结构的受损,且研究结果表明,盐炙品配伍的青娥丸治疗效果优于生品配伍组。同时,以生品及盐炙品配伍的青娥丸治疗均没有引起大鼠子宫病变。结论青娥丸对治疗大鼠去卵巢引起的骨质疏松症有良好的治疗效果,且盐制增强了青娥丸的抗骨质疏松药效。以生品及盐炙品配伍青娥丸在治疗剂量范围内均没有引起子宫病变。 OBJECTIVE To study the salt-roast processing on Qing'e pill warming kidney and strong bones efficacy.The traditional Chinese medicine theory revealed that salt-roast medicines can lead to drug to kidney meridian,enhance the effect of warming kidney and activate yang.This research studied the different methods processed Qing'e Pill on ovariectomy (OVX) induced osteoporosis in rats,and to explore the mechanism of the antiosteoporotic effects of Qing' e Pill on osteoporosis.METHODS After OVX rats oral administrating of the Qing' e Pill with the combination of crude and salt-roast medicines at the dose of 0.9g/day for 12 weeks,the BMD of rat left femur metaphysis was determined by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and the bone turnover makers in serum were measured to evaluate anti-osteoporosis effect of different processed Qing'e pill.In addtion,the trabecular microstructure of femoral metaphyseal was analyzed by Micro-CT scanning and HE staining.RESULTS Treating with Qing'e pill suppressed weight growth of ovariectomized induced rats fat gain,increased uterine weight,and no significant difference was observed between crude and salt-roast Qing'e pill treatment groups.It also increased the rat femur BMD,and improved the density of trabecular bone and protected the trabecular bone from damage caused by ovariectomy.And all results showed that the treatment of salt-roast processing Qing'e pill is better than crude Qing'e pill.Meanwhile,the crude and salt-roast Qing'e pill treatment did not cause lesions in the rat uterus.CONCLUSION Qing'e pill may have a good therapeutic effect for the treatment of osteoporosis rats induced by ovariectomy and after salt-roast processing the anti-osteoporosis efficacy of Qing'e pill was significantly enhanced.Both crude and salt-roast Qing'e pill treatment will not cause uterine lesions within suitable therapeutic dose range.
出处 《南京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期438-442,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 江苏省高校自然科学基金重点项目(11KJA360001) 江苏省中药学优势学科开放课题(2011ZYX2-010)
关键词 青娥丸 骨质疏松症 去卵巢大鼠 盐制 Qing'e Pill osteoporosis ovariectomized rats salt-roast processing
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