
功能训练的起源、发展与定位 被引量:11

Origin,Development and Orientation of Functional Training
摘要 运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对功能训练的起源和发展进行探讨,旨在为认识功能训练和开展后续研究提供参考。结果表明:功能训练源于医疗康复,随后拓展到体育健身和运动训练领域;在不同的领域,功能训练的内涵和目标并不相同。在竞技体育中,功能训练通过以身体整体性为基础的多关节、多维度的动作练习,发展神经肌肉协调配合能力和对身体的控制能力,促进运动员肌肉平衡。功能训练属于体能训练范畴,实践中强调训练动作,而非肌肉;强调动作练习的整合;强调动力链,重视"弱链"效应。指出,二元论思维是功能训练被放大的认识论误区,拿来主义则是功能训练难以产生实践价值的根源。功能训练是一种身体训练,属于一般训练范畴,对其合理定位,促其回归本位,是突破困境的出路所在。 In order to provide a reference for understanding the functional training and offering a basis for follow-up study, this paper discusses the origins and development of functional training by using literature review and logical analysis. The result shows that functional training originated from medical rehabilitation, and then extended into the field of physical fitness and sports training. Functional training has different contents and objectives in different areas. In competitive sports, functional training develops the ability of neuromuscular coordination and the ability of body control, and promotes the athletes' muscle balance through movement exercises of multi-joint and multi-dimension based on body integrity. Functional training belongs to the category of physical training. In practice, functional training emphasizes training movements instead of muscles, focuses on the integration of movement exercises, emphasizes the kinetic chain and stress on the "weak chain" effect. The author thinks that dualism is the epistemological errors when functional training is magnified, and the copinism is the root of the fact that functional training is difficult to produce practical value. Functional training is a sort of physical training which belongs to the category of general training. Regression-based functional training and reasonable orientation is a way to break the plight in training.
出处 《河北体育学院学报》 2014年第5期40-45,共6页 Journal of Hebei Sport University
基金 2013年甘肃省高等学校基本科研业务费项目 2013年西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划项目(SKQNGG13017)
关键词 功能训练 理念 反思 定位 回归 functional training concept reflection orientation regression
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