
美国青少年体质健康评价系统及其启示 被引量:4

The Experience of American Youth Fitness Evaluation System and Its Inspiration to China
摘要 综述了美国青少年体质健康评价系统的历史演变及不同评价方式在体能测试中的运用,发现美国社会对青少年体质评价的认识渐趋一致,即强调与健康相关的体能指标的测试,并选择标准参照评价替代百分位常模参照评价;建议我国的学生体质健康测试应该在测试理念、指标选择、评价方式上借鉴国外做法。 This paper reviews the historical evolution of American youth fitness evaluation system and different evaluation methods in fitness evaluation system, and finds that recognition of the American society towards youth fitness evaluation becomes more consistent: emphasis on health-related fitness test indicators and selection of criteria-referenced assessment to replace percentile norm-referenced assessment. This paper recommends the students' physical health testing should learn from foreign practices in terms of test concepts, selection of indicators, and evaluation methods.
出处 《河北体育学院学报》 2014年第5期80-84,共5页 Journal of Hebei Sport University
关键词 体力活动 健康相关体能 常模参照评价 标准参照评价 physical activity health-related physical fitness norm-referenced assessment criteria-referenced assessment
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