
中国消费者信用责任感实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study of Chinese Consumer's Credit Responsibility
摘要 在生活富裕、收入不断增长的今天,人们的消费欲望也在持续增强。但是,消费观念的转变、消费欲望的增强,并没有使中国人变得奢侈放纵,本应该随着消费欲望正向增长的奢侈品消费倾向最终被抑制。也就是说,经济状况的改善并没有使人们变得奢侈放纵而偏爱奢侈品。究其原因,主要是人们具有较强的信用责任感,而信用责任感与奢侈品消费倾向之间呈现显著的负向联系。 Chinese people's desire for consumption continues to strengthen while they become rich. The desire for luxury,which should strengthen as well,comes out to be negative. In other words,the improvement of economic situation does not makeChinese people become extravagant and indulgent. In order to explain this phenomenon, this paper introduces creditresponsibility. Further analysis showed that the Chinese people have a strong level of credit responsibility,and creditresponsibility expressed a significant negative link with luxury consumption.
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期92-98,共7页 China Business and Market
基金 对外经济贸易大学校级科研项目"基于消费动机的我国奢侈品消费群体与购买行为研究"(项目编号:12YBJJX03) 对外经济贸易大学科研创新项目"近年来国际贸易与投资领域新规则研究"(项目编号:201401)的部分成果
关键词 消费欲望 奢侈品消费 信用责任感 consumption desire luxury consumption credit responsibility
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