The major proportion of the natural tourism resource is state- owned in China. With themarket- based reform of the natural resource development in various ways, the issues related to theproperty rights of the natural resources in tourism industry has attracted significant attention withinacademia around the turn of the century. Among them, the hot spring is one the most important natureresources. The hot-spring-based tourism development exists in almost all the provinces in China. It hasbecome a notable tourist attraction that combines natural resource and leisure experiences. This studytakes the natural resources hierarchy mode as an analytical tool to discuss the transformation of China’shot spring property rights through an examination of Conghua in Guangdong Province.The case study reveals the shaping and changing of three institutional arrangements in turn:national agency, state- private dual track system, and local government franchise system. The centralgovernment has exclusive management rights at the early years of hot spring valorization after theestablishment of People’s Republic of China. The original use and reuse of thermal water was decidedthrough administrative means. The foremost shortcoming of this“national agency”institution is theambiguous nature of the property rights. In fact, the hot spring was controlled by several powerfulcentral and local departments, which used the thermal water competitively. The consequence of thisinstitutional arrangement was the high operation cost against the backdrop of the lack of an internalcoordination system, making Conghua hot spring a typical“tragedy of the commons”. After 1978, theConghua hot spring rights structure was gradually incorporated into a“state-private dual track system”,which means that the central government still had exclusive management rights while the users couldaccess the thermal water through the redistribution by both administrative and market means. Since1998, the management right of thermal water has been claimed by the Conghua local government. Atthis stage, the Conghua local government obtains the exclusive initial distribution rights of the thermalwater through the establishments of specialized institutions, and sells the hot spring to users accordingto market prices.The findings of the field study illustrate that the creation of new system of territoriality and thereproduction of institutions defining and managing property rights are the general options for the localgovernment. Because during the process of changing the ambiguous national agent to the specializedlocal agency, creating new territoriality is able to avoid the administrative transaction costs. Theadministrative cost directly determines the direction of the changes in the state-owned tourism resourcesproperty rights.
Tourism Tribune
hierarchical institution
administrative cost
property rights
hot spring