目的探索老老年原发性高血压患者昼夜血压节律与平均血小板体积(MPV)的相关性。方法选择中国中医科学院广安门医院2013年8月—2014年1月心内科住院高血压患者100例,根据血压昼夜节律的不同,将患者分为3组:杓型组24例,非杓型组26例,反杓型组50例。比较3组间平均血小板体积及分析其影响因素。结果 3组间MPV值比较,杓型组<非杓型组<反杓型组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。MPV与夜间血压下降率存在显著相关性(r=-0.299,P=0.035);MPV与ALT、AST均呈正相关性,与HDL C呈负相关。结论在老老年高血压患者的血压昼夜节律于MPV之间关系密切,在临床诊疗中,应重视MPV的监测,调节血压昼夜节律,改善患者自主神经功能,提前进行干预,从而减少急性血栓事件的发生,改善心脑血管病预后。
O bjective To explo re the very elderly pa tients w ith essential hypertension circadian rhythm of blood pressure and m ean platelet vo lum e corre lation.M ethods G uang’ anm en Hospital,China Academ y ofC hineseM edicalS cience from August 2013 to January 2014 C ardio logy hospitalized 100 patients w ith hypertension w ere included.D epending on the circadian rhythm , the patients w ere divided into three groups :D ippers group( n= 24) ,non dipper group( n= 26) ,anti dipper group( n= 50) .C om parison Am ong the three groups m ean platelet vo lum e and analyze its influencing factors .Results There w as difference in M PV value com pari-son am ong three g roups( P &lt; 0.01) , and dipper group &lt; non dipper group &lt; anti dipper group .There w as a correlation betw een MVP and the decline rate of nocturnal blood pressure( r= - 0.299,P = 0.035) .There w as a positive correlation be tw een MVP and ALT ,AST .There w as a negative correlation betw eenMVP and HDL C .Conclusion In very elderly hypertensive pa tients in the close relationship betw een circadian rhythm and M PV , in clinica l practice , should pay attention M PV m onito ring , regulating circadian rhythm s , im proving autonom ic function in patients , early intervention , thereby reducing the tim e of acute throm bosis occurred , im-proving the prognosis of cardiovascular disease .
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
very elderly
m ean platele t vo lum e
blood pressure circadian rhythm