The European War (1792-1814) was an ordeal to the young U. S. The U.S. government made a wise decision--pursuit of a noutral policy w.hich was exactly expressed in Whashingtonts Farewell Address. Jay's treaty of 1794, Pinckneyts treaty of 1795, the Mortefontaine treaty of 1800, and the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 were great successes of American diplomacy in the first period of the War. When the struggle for hegemony in Europe stepped into a new period, the U.S. was beset with troubles. The U.S. waged war upon England. The Ghent treaty was concluded in 1814. In a word, "European War, American advantage" was a general evaluation. Indeed, this was a victory of the American neutral policy.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)