
基于Arduino与yeelink平台的实时环境监测系统 被引量:26

Real-time Environment Monitoring System Based on Arduino and Yeelink
摘要 利用基于ATmega328P单片机的Arduino UNO硬件平台,单总线温湿度传感器AM2303和高精度灰尘传感器DSM501A设计一种环境监测系统,采用单总线串行和PWM脉宽调制的输出方式,便于数据处理。传感器收集的环境数据变量实时上传到yeelink平台,便于实时、异地监控和长时数据分析,同时实现了实地空气质量和温湿度的环境状态综合评估,是一种低成本、多功能、实时化和远程化的环境状态监测方案。 An environment monitoring system is designed using Arduino UNO hardware platform based on ATmega328P microcontroller, temperature and humidity sensor AM2303 with unified bus and high-precise dust sensor DSM501A.It uses the output mode of serial output by unified bus and PWM pulse-width modulation in order to process conveniently the data.Environment data collected from sen-sors are sent to the yeelink platform so as to complete real-time monitoring and long-time data analysis,so that the environment condition general evaluation of air quality,temperature and humidity is realized.The design has low cost,many functions,good real-time perform-ance and remote control ability.
出处 《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2014年第10期26-29,共4页 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems
关键词 ARDUINO AM2303 DSM501A yeelink 实时远程监测 Arduino AM2303 DSMS01A yeelink real-time and remote monitoring
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