1R. Glaser, The Future of Testing: A Research Agenda, American Psychologist Vol. 36. 1981.
2M. E. Curtis &R. Glaser, Changing Conceptions of Intelligence, Review of Research in Education Vol. 9. 1981.
3R. J. Sternberg, Testing and Cognitive Psychology, American Psychologist, vol. 36. NO. 10, 1981.
4W.F. Nolen & T.J. Johnson, Testing: Its use and Effect on learners, The Essential Profession: Contemporary Issues in Education, ed. by M. B. Scott, 1076.
5J.B. Carroll & J.L. Horn, OnThe Scientific Basis of Ability Testing, American Psychologist, Vol. 3G, NO, 10, 1981.
6W.K. Estes, Learning Theory and Intelligence, American Psychologist, Oct. 1974.
7R. Glaser, On lntelligence and Aptitude, Exploring Alternatives to Current Standardized Tests: Proceeding of the 1976 National Testing Conference, ed. by A.J. Nitko.