1Allen, Virginia F. 1959. People in fact and .fiction : Selectelt reading for students of English as a foreign language. New York: Thomas Y. C:owell.
2Baudoin, E. Margaret. 1977. Reader's Choice. : A 7eading skills textbook for students of English as a second language. The University of Michigan Press.
3Bigelow, Gordon E., and David P. Harris. 1960. The United States of America: Readings in English as a se- cond language. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
4Bloomfield, Leonard. 1942. Linguistics and reading. The Elementary English Review, 19, pp 125--30, 183--86. Bloomington, Ind. Indiana University Press. 1970.
5Eskey, David E. 1970. A new technique for the teaching of reading to advanced students. TESOL Qttarterly.
6Fries, Charles C. 1962. Linguistics and reading. New York: Holt, R~nehart and ~Vinston.
7Grellet, Francoise. 1981. Developing skills: A practical guide to reading comprehension exercises. C,xmbridge Univ. Press.
8Harris, David P. 1966. Reading improvement exercises for students of English as a second language. Englewoodl Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall.
9Rumelhart, David E. 1977. Toward an interactive model of reading. In Attention and Performance. Vol. VI. New York: Academic Press.
10Smith, Frank, ed. 1973. Psycholinguist:.cs and reading: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.