Let X be a compact Itausdorff space. R be an equivalence relation on X,P be the quotient map of X onto the quotient space X/R,A be a uniform algebra on X, f be continuous on X.The union of K and the bounded components of Kc will be denoted by K.This paper proves the following results. (1) f∈A if and only if g∈ C(X/R), if gof*^-1 has a continuous extension h, h is analytic on the interior of S and continuous on S, then goP∈A. (here, S=the convex closure ofR(f), R (f) = {f(x) | x∈X}, (x, y) ER f(x) =f(y). f*(P(x)) =f(x).). (2) f∈A if and only if g∈A, such that f*og*^-1 has a continuous extension h, h is analytic on the interior of S and continuous on S. (here, S= the convex closure of R(g), (x, y)ER g(x) =g(y), f*(P(x)) = f(x), g*(P(x)) =g(x).). (3) f, f-∈A if and only if x, y∈X, f (x) ≠f(y)there is g∈Asuch that g(x) 4:g(y), R (g)is nowhere dense and the complement of R ( g ) is connected. (4) A= C(X)if and only if Vx, y∈X, x≠y there is g∈A such that g ( x ) ≠g ( y ) ,R ( g ) is nowhere dense and the complement of R ( g ) is connected.
Uniform algebra, Convex closure