Genre actors are those who usually play parts of the same type in different films, with their outer paticularities and unique charm in their appearances or their internal qualities. The intention of my article is to correct the approach of domestic theories of performance to over-praise the Stanislavsky' s method since 1949. According to my understanding, the genre actor is a more regular pattern than any other in narrative films. During the early stage of cinema, an actor was none other than a tool. The main points of Stanislavsky's method, and the extension of them, are that those who can portray parts with great differences between the characters, gualities and characteristics, are great performers. But it is in coincidence with the particularity of film aesthetics for an actor to play a series of parts without great differences, such as Charlie Chaplin. In the words of an American critic, the worst actors are those who always let their own superiority give way to their various parts, such as Robert de Niro, because he refuses to show his own dominant charm while constantly changing his appearance. He is making fun of his audience. It is the audience that selects the character of actors. Any aesthetic experience is subjective and regulated. Actually, the possibilities for a performer to change his own character is limited. The audience's being keen about some star results from their enjoying his/her distinctive style developed on screen. Momoe Yamaguchi was always a pure, innocent and romantic girl. Pan Hong was seen as brilliant, as long as she played a tragic part. When Stallone tried to play a kindly father in 'Over the Top', he almost bankrupted Cannon Films. 'Shen, Dan, Jing, Chou', the classification of roles in traditional Chinese drama is precisely a typified use of performers. The main characteristic of the genre actors is attaching importance to the external body and appearance. The article also discusses the training of the genre actors.
Journal of Beijing Film Academy