
游子返乡:“教师是谁”的哲学省思——“教师作为陌生人”隐喻带来的启示 被引量:12

Wanderers Returning Hometown:Philosophical Reflection on“Who Are Teachers”——“Teacher as Stranger”Metaphor Implications
摘要 教师即陌生人,提醒教师以崭新的观点重新审视过去理所当然、千载不变、习而不察的"日常世界",去觉察未曾留意的细节和未加质疑的习俗,以新奇、探究、深邃的目光审视自己所存在的真切的"生活世界",开启一场新的意义建构之旅。重新思考"教师是谁"的本体论、认识论和价值论——在陌生人的视域下,揭示教学的自我内部景观,追寻教师自我存在;联结知识与个体的生命体验之间关联,明晰知识是人类参与世界的一种存在方式;教师的职责就在于解放人类,让学生在自由地选择中成为自我,帮助学生唤醒其沟通自我的需求与能力,将学生带至更澄明的存在。借以新的视界重新意识、体认、觉察"教师是谁",以期打破穿透习惯的惰性,寻求超越时间和经验中的新秩序。 To take a stranger' s vantage point on everyday reality is to look inquiringly and wonderingly on the world in which one lives. It reminds teachers to re-examine the details and patterns in her environment She never saw before .It is like returning home from a long ustay in some other place. The perspective of teacher as stranger help teachers rethink the ontology, epistemology and axiology of "Who are Teachers" and build a meaning world on a new journey. To take a stranger's vantage point on everyday reality reveals the interior landscape of teaching and pursues teachers' self-existent. It helps to draw out the nature of knowledge that knowledge is a mode of man's being-involved-in-the-world and teachers' responsibility is freeing other human beings to choose them. The purpose of this paper is to help teachers break through the inertia habit and seek a new order which go beyond space and experience. We hope that this reflection can help teachers notice the awareness of self-consciousness and make a change from obscurity "everyday life" to a concrete, real, poetic "life world".
作者 苗学杰
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期56-61,共6页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 河南省教育厅人文社科研究项目"学徒观察对师范生学习教学影响的实证研究"[2013-QN-154] 河南省教师教育课程改革研究项目"教师教育质量认可与评估制度研究"[2012<1111>] 河南师范大学博士科研启动费支持课题"融合的教师教育--教师职前教育的理论与实践关系研究"[11156] 河南师范大学2013年度教育科学研究基金资助项目"学徒观察对河南师范大学教师教育课程实效性影响的实证研究" 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金"语言教师专业判断发展研究"[12YJC740014]
关键词 教师哲学 本体论 认识论 价值论 反思 teacher of philosophy ontology epistemology axiology reflection
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