
平台网络外部性的产生机理与诱导机制研究 被引量:3

A Research on the Generation and Induction Mechanisms of Platform Network Externalities
摘要 网络外部性作为影响平台运营的关键要素受到理论与实业界的广泛关注。通过对平台网络外部性的分类,可以揭示网络外部性的产生机理及其作用过程,从而对其诱导机制进行剖析。结果表明:平台的直接网络外部性与交叉网络外部性、间接网络外部性是相互作用、彼此牵制、同时存在于平台中的,且并非正网络外部性就一定能为平台带来收益,平台收益还与其所处的生命周期有关。平台运营企业若能采取有效的诱导机制,就可能产生很强的网络外部性,进而在产业中占据主导优势,最终实现效用或价值的最大化。 As a key element affecting the platform operation, network externalities have received extensive attention in both practice and theory in recent years. To reveal the generation process and action mechanism of network externalities, this paper classifies the platform network externalities and analyzes their induction mechanism. The result shows that, first, the direct, cross and indirect network externalities interact with each other, co-existing in the platform; and second, the positive network externality is not always beneficial for the platform, for the life cycle of the platform also plays an important role in making benefits. It is concluded that if platform operating enterprises can take effective induction mechanisms, it is likely to produce strong network externalities, take a dominant position in the whole industry, and thus achieve the maximization of platform utility or value ultimately.
出处 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第4期39-45,共7页 Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71072028)
关键词 平台 网络外部性 诱导机制 platform network externalities induction mechanism
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