With the neo-liberal reforms of the labor market institutions and macroeconomic policies in Europe and the United States, the solidarity wage policy prevailing in the postwar era has been substituted by the corrqjetitive pay policy,which led to a declining wage share and the polarization of income distribution, and hence to the potential under consumption crisis.Taking advantage of the convenience at speculation and financing enabled by the financial derivatives market and the European monetary union,Europe and the US have developed two interdependent exogenously driven growth patterns, that is, debt-driven and export-driven growth, which, despite the temporary concealing of under-consumption,intensified the imbalance between the demand structure and international payment until an over-all crisis erupted successively in the US and Europe. The governance measures carried out under the name of structural reform extended and even consolidated the neo-liberal institutions andcompetitive wage policy, and hence worsened the crisis. A real-term recovery of the European economy relies on innovative returning to the solidarity wage policy and the European social model, which the author names as European Solidarity Wage Policy and New European Social Model.
Chinese Journal of European Studies