
中学生语文学科能力表现——基于Rasch模型的语文测试评价 被引量:14

Middle School Students' Ability on Chinese Subject——A Chinese Test Evaluation Based on Rasch Model
摘要 以能力考察为核心的语文测试评价框架包括学习理解、实践应用和创新迁移三个能力层级。在建构中学生语文学科能力构成体系的基础上,对北京市两个区的七年级至十一年级共4322名中学生的语文能力进行测试,运用Rasch模型进行分析与讨论,研究结果发现:从学习理解能力来说,中学生尤其应该加强分析概括能力和领会理解能力的培养;从实践应用能力来说,语文教学应该关注中学生应用交际能力的培养。针对不同的文类,应该培养学生的文类意识;从创新迁移能力来说,应该重视培养中学生的写作能力,尤其在内容创新、表达真情实感等方面更需要加强。 The evaluation framework for students' ability of Chinese includes understanding, application and creation which are composed of twelve capacity elements. On the basis of the construction system of middle school students' ability in Chinese subject, we conducted a Chinese capacity test among 4322 students from grade 7 to grade 11 in two districts of Beijing. Applied Rasch model to discuss and analyze the study, the research finds., in respect of understanding, middle school students in Beijing should especially cultivate the ability to analyze, generalize and apprehend. From the point of view of practical application, attention should be paid to training the students' communicative ability. Aiming at different genres, students' genre awareness should be developed. From the aspect of creation, a great importance should be attached to train their writing abilities such as content innovation and expressing true feelings.
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期69-74,共6页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 国家社会科学基金"十二五"规划2011年度教育学重点课题"中小学生学科能力表现研究"(AHA110005)资助
关键词 RASCH模型 语文学科能力 学生能力 测试评价 Rasch model Chinese subject students' ability test evaluation
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