
心理潜能训练课程在拔尖学生培养中的效果初探:来自量化和质性的证据 被引量:1

A Preliminary Exploration of the Effects of Psychological Potential Training on Top Undergraduates: Evidence from Quantitative and Qualitative data
摘要 "钱学森之问"提出后,教育界在"如何培养具有创造力的拔尖学生"上展开了积极探索。本文以清华大学某学堂班的34名学生为被试,考察心理潜能训练课程对其的干预效果,并从量化和质性两个角度初步分析。结果显示:(1)学生的一般自我效能感、情绪智力有提高趋势,人际关系困扰显著降低;(2)学生在多项指标均有中度正向改变;(3)学生在7个领域有正向改变,从高到低依次为自我探索、人际互动、积极能量、未来探索、团队能力、压力应对、创造能力;课程有效因素来源于轻松的课堂气氛、团体体验性课程形式和针对现实需要的课程内容。研究表明团体体验性的心理潜能训练课程可以对拔尖学生的发展起到积极的影响,值得进一步的开发,以服务于拔尖大学生的培养。 The educational community has explored the cultivation of top students' creativity, in response to Qian Xuesen's question concerning failure of modern Chinese universities to cultivate top talent. To explore the effect of psychological potential training, 34 top undergraduates from Tsinghua University were provided a training course and the results were analyzed. Quantitative analysis showed that the general self-efficiency and emotional intelligence tended to increase, and the interpersonal disturbance decreased significantly. The ten-item course assessment showed a moderate, positive change. Meanwhile, qualitative analysis indicated that students changed in seven aspects: self-exploration deepened, interpersonal interaction increased, positive attitude developed, future exploring facilitated, cooperative ability enhanced, stress coping ability improved, and creativity promoted. These changes were subtly actualized through a relaxing classroom atmosphere and the demand-orientated application of group experience activities. The study results suggested that courses aimed at enhancing psychological potential based on the application of group experience activities had positive impacts on the development of top students. The training course is worth further developing for wider use.
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期118-124,共7页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 清华大学基础学科拔尖人才培养基金
关键词 心理潜能训练课程 拔尖学生 psychological potential training course top student qualitative analysis quantitative analysis
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