
荷兰与日本高等教育分权的比较研究 被引量:2

A Comparative Study of Decentralization of Higher Education in the Netherlands and Japan
摘要 分权已经成为一种全球性的高等教育管理改革趋势。荷兰和日本是推进高等教育分权的代表性国家,其高等教育分权在新公共管理改革背景之下产生,分权行动主要体现于大学部门。这两个国家在高等教育分权的背景和过程、政府与大学关系的变化、大学内部变化、高等教育分权等方面既有共性也有差异,在分权过程中存在一些尚未得到解决的悖论。在高等教育分权过程中,荷日两国政府保持强势地位,通过评估和认证等间接管理方式加强了对大学的管理。与过去相比,两国大学被赋予了一些新的权力,但是自主权并没有获得实质性的扩大。高等教育分权最关键的是在政府管理与院校自治之间保持适当的平衡,切实赋予高校充分合理的办学自主权。 Decentralization has developed into a global trend of higher education governance reform. As typical countries, both the Netherlands and Japan advanced higher education decentralization in the context of new public management, and focused respective decentralization efforts on the university sector. A comparative study of context and process of decentralization, change of the relationship between state and university, changes within the universities themselves, and influences of decentralization between these two countries shows that higher education decentralization has similarities and differences, and there are some paradoxes to be solved. During the process of decentralization, governments of the Netherlands and Japan maintained a powerful position, and reinforced control on the universities through indirect administrative tools such as evaluation and accreditation. Compared with the past, although the universities in these two countries have been granted some new powers, there was no substantial increase of autonomy. The most important key to decentralization is to keep an appropriate balance between government control and institutional autonomy, and to grant institutions of higher education sufficient and reasonable autonomy.
作者 蒋凯
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期107-113,共7页 University Education Science
关键词 高等教育分权 荷兰 日本 高校办学自主权 decentralization of higher education, Dutch higher education, Japanese higher education institutional autonomy
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