
历史的悲剧:自由主义的困境 被引量:2

The Tragedy of History: the Plight of Liberalism
摘要 1989年冷战结束时,美国学者福山宣布自由主义将是人类意识形态演进的终点。此后自由主义不断向极端化、普世化方向演化,使发达国家和发展中国家深受其害,频繁遭遇经济危机、政治动荡和军事冲突。同时,世界范围意识形态的创新、多样化进程也因自由主义的强势主导而裹足不前。而当自由主义变得千疮百孔之时,却缺乏可以替代的意识形态,这并非"历史的终结",而是历史的悲剧。 When the Cold War ended in 1989,the US scholar Francis Fukuyama declared that liberalism would be the end of the evolution of human ideology. Since then,liberalism has been developing in the direction of radicalization and globalization,which has caused serious damages to both developed and developing countries as there have been frequent economic crises,political turbulence and military clashes. At the same time,the evolution of ideology has been stagnant because of the predominance of liberalism. While liberalism is obvious falsified,there is no viable alternative ideology,which is the tragedy of history instead of the end of history.
作者 牛新春
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期45-52,62,共9页
关键词 意识形态 自由主义 政治理论 Ideology liberalism political theories
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  • 1Francis Fukuyama, "The End of History", The National Inter- est, Summer 1989, http://www, wesjones, com/eoh, htm.
  • 2The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Financial Crisis In- quiry Report, January 2011, p. xviii, http://www, gpo. gov/fdsys/pkg/ GPO-FCIC/pdGPO-FCIC. pdf.
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  • 10Francis Fukuyama,The Origin of Political Order: From Prehu- man Times to the French Revolution , Farrar , Straus and Giroux,2011 ,p. 469.












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