The province of Quebec has long since been striving for its distinct status in Canada. However, the official launch of the muhicuhural policy by the Trudeau government in 1971 foiled the aspirations of Qu6b6eois nationalists through reducing Francophone Quebeckers as one of the "two founding peoples" to the same level as other peoples within the Canadian polity. However, with the profound societal changes the Quiet Revolution brought about, Quebec began get into strides on its nation-building, gradually taking the form of an "intercultural" model as a response to federal Canadian multicuhuralism. Though loosely defined thus far, the intercuhuralism model is contrasted positively with muhicuhuralism by many scholars in terms of achieving the integration and cohesion in an ethnocuhurally pluralistic society; and it is even favoured in the realms of public policy and realpolitik. An interdisciplinary examination of the trajectory of Quebec intercuhuralism and of the latest statistics indicates that federal Canadian muhieuhuralism and Quebec intercuhuralism, notwithstanding the resemblance they share in praxis for the present, are two essentially heterogeneous philosophies in managing ethnic and cultural diversity. The integration model of intereulturalism proves to be effective in Quebec's practice.
Journal of World Peoples Studies