

Positive Psychology:A New Path to Dispel Security Dilemma Vnder the background of Globalization
摘要 安全困境是国际安全领域中非常重要的问题之一,本文从积极心理这一全新角度出发,研究全球化背景下消解安全困境的路径。分析了安全困境的形成原因是消极心理、消极心理的形成原因及全球化的发展为培养积极心理提供的有利条件,最后分别阐明了国际关系中积极心理的三大支柱:积极情绪、积极特质和积极制度的培养方法,并在此基础上分析了三者对于消解安全困境的作用。 'Security Dilemma' is a very important issue in international security field. With the new perspective of 'positive psychology', this paper tried to find a new path to dispel security dilemma under the background of globalization. It analyzed that the formation reason of traditional security dilemma is negative psychology, the reason why negative psychology comes out, and advantages provided by globalization for cultivating positive psychology. Finally, this paper illuminated the three pillars of positive psychology in international relations: positive emotions, positive traits, and positive institutions. And on that basis, this paper analyzed their effects on disoelling security dilemma.
作者 陶欣欣
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期136-145,共10页 Socialism Studies
关键词 安全困境 积极心理 消极心理 全球化 Security Dilemma Positive Psychology Negative Psychology Globalization
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