
边界效应、国内市场一体化与区域壁垒 被引量:10

Border Effect,Domestic Market Integration and Regional Barriers
摘要 本文在D-S垄断竞争模型的基础上,使用边界效应的方法来构建计量模型,以我国1996~2011年28个省份的面板数据为研究对象,通过估计边界效应来分析我国国内市场一体化以及我国边界效应的演进过程,并在此基础上进一步探讨了影响我国边界效应的因素。实证结果显示:我国区域间存在明显的边界壁垒,中西部贸易壁垒高于东部;我国的平均边界效应存在上升趋势,国内市场并非走向一体化,特别地由于财税制度的改革2001年平均边界效应增幅最快,之后各种经济区和经济带的建设使得增长率小幅下降;自然壁垒不是影响边界效应的主要因素,行政人为干预才是影响我国市场一体化进程的主要因素。 Based on Dixit - Stiglitz model of monopolistic competition, this paper establishes an econometric model which applies border effect method, and takes the panel data of China's 28 provinces range from the years of 1996 - 2011 as a research object, to analyze Chinese domestic market integration and its evolution process by estimating the border effect, and according to it, explores the factors influencing the border effect. The empirical study shows that: border barriers exist obviously in both areas, and the trsde barriers in the central and western region are higher than eastern region; average border effect is on the rise, and the domestic market tends to non - integration, specially average border effect in 2001 is fastest growing due to the refonn of the fiscal and taxation system, then the construction of the various economic zone and belt makes growth rate declined slightly; the natural barriers are not the main element affecting the border effect, while administrative intervention is really the main factors influencing the process of our domestic market integration.
机构地区 西南民族大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2014年第10期58-67,共10页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究西部和边疆地区项目(项目编号:14XJA790001) 成都市软科学项目(项目编号:13RKYB040ZF-041)
关键词 边界效应 市场一体化 区域间贸易 区域壁垒 border effect market integration interregional trade regional barriers
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