This paper examines the impact of financial repression on the labour's share of income based on the clarification of the logic of existing literatures.The results show that China's financial repression policies stem from the institutional remnants of the "Catching-Up" strategy and an economic structure biased towards the state-owned sector,and its characteristics of the interest rate suppression and credit rationing pose as invisible subsidies for capital-intensive technology.Firms are motivated to substitute capital for labour in production,and the labour's share of income is suppressed.According to the provincial panel data,the financial repression indicator is significantly and positively correlated with the technology choice index and the weight of state-owned economy.It is also negatively correlated with the labour's share of income.Even after controlling for other related factors,the results remain robust.It means that,in order to restore a balanced factor of income distribution pattern,it is important to deepen the reform of economic institutions and to abolish the distortionary policies in the financial market.
Chinese Journal of Population Science