
翻转课堂里的TPACK和TSACK——基于一项英语教学研究的讨论 被引量:33

TPACK and TSACK in Flipped Classroom:A Discussion Based on an EFL Teaching Project
摘要 从翻转课堂的视角探讨在基于学生思辨素养的英语演绎教学案例中所呈现现的教学模式、师生交流、教学环境、学习内容等方面的变化。在对教师和学生的综合能力和知识结构进行分析讨论后,梳理了TPACK(整合技术的学科和教学知识)框架的不足,进而从学生的角度提出TSACK(整合技术的学科和策略知识)框架。翻转课堂不仅体现了课堂形式的翻转,也体现了TPACK和TSACK之间的相互影响、相互促进。师生知识结构的交流与结合为信息时代的教学研究提供了一个新思路,也为翻转课堂的发展提供了新的实证案例。 This paper begins with a discussion of an action research project with regard to critical literacy development in Chinese EFL education, demonstrating the activities and changes in teaching and learning, student-teacher interaction, learning environment, and learning contents etc.. It then explores the in-class and after-class practices from the perspective of flipped classroom, and argues that TSACK (Technological Strategic and Content Knowledge), a new framework corresponding to TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge), should be proposed to understand students' knowledge after analyzing the data emerged from both teacher and stu- dents' practices in the EFL teaching project. Finally, the author holds that flipped classroom is not only the flipping of classroom activi- ties in form, but also the integration of TPACK and TSACK, a new way to understand teaching and learning in information era.
作者 阮全友
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2014年第5期58-66,共9页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部课题"基于学习共同体的英语专业学生思辨能力培养研究"(编号:GPA105031)的资助
关键词 TPACK TSACK:翻转课堂:英语教学 TPACK TSACK Flipped classroom EFL teaching
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